prompt service to satisfy the demands of the customer in any restaurant bars business is vital for any firm. Likewise, in an industry where the customer service makes or break the firm, the technology is coming forth. A wireless restaurant paging system, Waiter Call Button System comes for the higher return of potential customers and profit. And, investing in Waiter Call button, a wireless restaurant paging system leads to enhance quality, efficient and effective service. In other words, effectiveness, and efficiency for the servers, employees. Yet, we can say it helps to increase the revenue while reducing your overhead costs, helping to grow the business.
Shouting and waving is not a sign of decency, for the alternative, Alarm Center is introducing the Waiter call button for restaurants and bars. In the first place, the Waiter call button is a tiny switch in paging gadget. The importance of such is respectively inclining in the present digital world. Even though, the objective of Waiter Call Button is mostly to benefit the guests, not to mention employees are also attained as well.
The Waiter Call Button system is a system to innovate the way the hospitality industry interacts with their guests. We strongly believe that “if you don’t keep evolving and meet guest expectation” you will see your customers move elsewhere. With the solutions we offer, we bring you closer to your guests, improve their experience, and they in return will thank you by spending more. Happier guests and more money at the end of the day. How’s that for a win-win situation?
In simplicity, our equipment consists of 3 parts; Call Buttons for guests, beautifully crafted in tailor-made colors embedded in high-quality acrylic stands positioned at key guest locations, – and notification receiving equipment operated by the staff and the wristwatch receiver worn by the waitress. The simplistic setup allows anyone to understand and use the products, regardless of age or prior knowledge of the products. Press a button and receive service, – it’s that simple. To know more about Waiter Call button, visit the given link, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-caQhFfrsgM
The package comprises of a wireless receiver, a wristwatch receiver, and a call button.
Each table will have the three-way call button affixed to it and programmed with the table number for its Identification. The wristwatch receiver will be programmed also and the waiters will wear it while they move around. The wireless receiver will also be programmed at the counter or at the managers’ office for easy monitoring.
A guest calls the attention of the waitress by pressing the call key on the call button, the table number shows on the waitress wristwatch and so does the wireless receiver. When it is time to pay the bill, the guest presses the bill key on the call button and the waitress receives the signal, so also does the wireless receiver on the counter.
Attached to the customer paging system, Waiter call button system links with a network. Likewise, the button pressed by the guest’s signals waiters/servers with specific numbers to identify where the call has been made from. Thus, the result is a quick response to aid the guests.
As a guest, having a personal “Waiter Call Button System” at your side gives you the comfort of knowing, that if you need anything, you simply make use of the call button next to you. Whenever you need something, you press the button and moments later, a staff member will be there to attend to your needs. If you need to pay, you simply press the “bill” button and soon after, your bill will arrive and you are ready to leave and continue your day. As a guest, it gives you the convenience you expect and deserve.
At one time or another, we’ve all been there. We are sitting in a restaurant or around the pool, wanting something to eat or to drink. We look around, looking left, looking right, trying to catch eye contact with at a staff member. Nobody’s around. You wait. And you wait. Finally, you see someone in the distance. You get eye contact, or so you think, just to realize that the staff member either didn’t see you, or didn’t understand that the frustrated look on your face meant that you needed something – or worse, the staff member knows that you need something, but aren’t in the mood to walk all the way over there to ask what you need. Having our solution in place solves that. No more waving, no more feeling stupid for waving your hands in the air with nobody seeing you, no more feeling unappreciated or unvalued as a paying customer. With our wireless receiver, service and attention is only a click away. Click “call” and a nearby staff member will be notified that you need service. Also, the manager sees the receiver and would be notified if there is a delay to attend to guest
For staff members, this is a tool that helps you keep your guests happy and relaxes. It will help you feel less stress and instead of running around, checking each and every guest all the time, you can now take your time and give your guests the service they deserve, without leaving other guests feeling left behind. If they need your attention, they will press the Waiter Button. Our solution is not meant as a replacement for you, but as a tool to help you service your guests and to keep them happy, less stress, less worry.
Our products are a win for guests and a win for the service staff. Purchase Here.
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